Topic: Grab Refinements to the Kete 1.0 Release Branch

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We've had several busy weeks of refining the Kete 1.0 release branch. Now is a good time to update your installation. I'll outline how.

Outdated - Please refer to the newer Upgrade to Kete 1.1 Release


As noted in the blog post where we announced 1.0, by using a "subversion checkout" of the Kete code it's a relatively simply process to update your Kete installation to take advantage of bug fixes and security patches.

Assuming that you have followed the steps for "Simple Installation" in the Installation Guide (you may want to refresh your memory of it before jumping in), here's what you do:

Following the conventions from Preinstall Assumptions topic, we'll go to the "your_app" directory for your Kete application and update the code:

$ cd ~/apps/your_app
$ svn update
$ rake kete:upgrade:add_missing_mime_types

Your Kete codebase is now updated.  All that remains is to restart your Kete server and it's supporting Backgroundrb process. We'll do Backgroundrb first and then Mongrel (what answers your web requests).

$ script/backgroundrb stop
$ script/backgroundrb start
$ mongrel_rails cluster::stop
$ mongrel_rails cluster::start

That's it. Your site should now benefit from all the latest work we have done on the 1.0 release branch.

You can repeat the process (the "rake kete:upgrade:add_missing_mime_types" can be skipped next time) regularly to make sure your site is up to date.

If you did the "Optional Best Practices - Managing your Kete application's codebase and deploying it to a production host" see comments below for topic with your exact steps.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License
Grab Refinements to the Kete 1.0 Release Branch by Walter McGinnis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License