Topic: Attending the Building an Australasian Commons conference
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I'll be going to Building an Australasian Commons in Brisbane next week. It's Creative Commons Australia's national conference and promises to be an interesting lineup. I'm looking forward to hearing the Jurisdiction Report from CC Aotearoa New Zealand.
It's excellent timing, since we are ready to release new functionality in Kete 1.1 which will allow users to choose a CC license for any piece of content in a Kete site that they create. Kete site administrators will be able to load the available licenses appropriate to their community.
I'm excited to see what others are doing and saying about Creative Commons licensing of content. I would also love to meet up with anyone interested in grabbing a coffee and having a chat. If you are in Brisbane between the evening of Monday June 23rd and the afternoon of June 25th email me at walter -at- katipo dot co dot nz or you can ring or text me at +64211241794.
Thanks goes to Paul Reynolds for telling me about the conference and to the Aotearoa People's Network for commissioning the new CC functionality in Kete.
Hope to see you in Brisbane!