Topic: Blogging from Building an Australasian Commons
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Highlights from the conference.
The Creative Commons Australia national conference is getting underway here at the State Library of Queensland in Brisbane. I'll update this post through out the day with highlights and items relevant to the Kete project.
9:10 -
Jessica Coates has just given a rundown of the day. I'm excited to see the new works that are being created under the CC in Australia. It's nice to have a conference that mixes legal and logistic issues with the arts that are effected.
9:30 -
Rachel Cobcroft is talking about the newly launched wiki for CC Australia case studies. We are invited to add/edit it!
Here's the address:
She has highlighted some great international and australian examples of use of CC in the arts and sciences.
I'm afraid at that point wireless access dropped out for the lecture hall. That was it for live blogging. I'll wrap up this section and then proceed on to a recap of the day.
Tim Barker from the Office of Economics and Statistics Research at Queensland Treasury was the first of the in person case study presentations. He talked about the Government Information Licensing Framework (GILF). I found it inspiring that the GILF default position will be to have content be under a CC license rather than the normal default where people start with a restrictive license and have to be talked into releasing under a more open license.
I really enjoyed the wide range of issues covered at the conference. It was refreshing to see a mix of those that support CC related work in government, the arts, and the law with things licensed under CC. Tama Lever's media students' projects were a definite crowd pleaser. The music panel had a lively discussion and it was great to hear various practitioners' discussion of what they consider to be the obstacles they face in the digital age and how CC fits into possible solutions.
It was also excellent to hear the Aotearoa New Zealand side of CC from Louise O'Brien and Jane Hornibrook. I introduced myself to them later in the day. I'm sure we'll be discussing CC and Kete's new features that allow for the use of the licenses when we're all back in Wellington.
In the afternoon I enjoyed a the (Re)write: Writing, Poetry + Literature workshop. It's certainly a new age for collaboration.
I was lucky enough to chat with several people through out the day. Lots of thing information to process. Thanks to everyone whom participated for an enjoyable and useful conference.
Thanks to Mike Seyfang ( for pointing at the best spot for wireless access, I'm posting this from there now.
Lastly I would like to mention that our latest member of the Kete team at Katipo, Kieran Pilkington, has added the relevant CC Australia licenses as an option to the acts_as_licensed Ruby on Rails plugin commissioned by Aotearoa Peoples Network New Zealand. The plugin previously only had the CCANZ licenses as an option. Nice work Kieran.
We use acts_as_licensed in Kete to provide users a choice of CC licenses for any work they create on a Kete site. This functionality will be apart of the 1.1 Kete release branch, but is available now from the latest "trunk" code base.
If you have a Ruby on Rails application that needs this functionality too, you can grab the acts_as_licensed plugin here:
![Kieran P's Avatar.](