Topic: Memory Maker : digital remix tool
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The Memory Maker enables the remix of photographs, graphics, film clips, and music from the years following the First World War. Videos can then be shared with friends and family.
As part of the 'Coming Home' activities being led by Digital NZ, a video mixing tool has been launched.
The 11th of November 2008 is the 90th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice between the allies and Germany, marking the end of the First World War. From November 2008 through to March 2009, New Zealand is commemorating this anniversary and the 'Coming Home' of our soldiers.
The Memory Maker enables the remix of photographs, graphics, film clips, and music from the years following the First World War. Videos can then be shared with friends and family. The Memory Maker is hosted by the Auckland Museum, with members of the National Digital Forum and others providing the unique content - including Kete Horowhenua. More >>
The Memory Maker is an excellent example of the ease with which community contributed informal content gathered up with Kete can be harvested and repurposed.