Topic: Kete at MyLanguage.Net Conference in Sydney
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Several people from the Kete project will be presenting and/or attending the MyLanguage.Net conference in Sydney, August 9-11th, 2010.
Update: We'll be meeting at 2pm on August 12th, at the entrance of the the new building of the State Library of New South Wales for an informal Kete meetup. Come on along.
Joann Ransom from Horowhenua Library Trust, Claire Hall from Te Reo o Taranaki, and myself will be at the MyLanguage.Net 2010 Conference next week. The conference will focus on how digital technologies can be used to aid culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Claire and Joann will be co-presenting and I'll be along to give a bit of a project overview and answer questions.
I'll be going on the Library Tour on Monday. I'm looking forward to getting a broader view of the communities that make up Sydney and Australia. Irma Birchall from CALYX, a local Kete support company, will also be on the tour.
Then it's on to the main program of the conference for Tuesday and Wednesday.
Schedule-wise, I believe we all have some availability outside of the conference to meet with people that are in Sydney, but not attending the conference. Email me at walter -a t- katipo dot co dot nz to get in touch.
Irma has been kind enough to offer to organize an informal Kete meetup for evening of Thursday, August 12th for those interested. I'll report back here with a time and place when they are finalized. We're looking for a space in the CBD with a projector, let me know if you have any recommendations.
Looking forward to seeing you in Sydney!