Topic: We're worried about Charlie ...
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It all started innocently enough only a couple of weeks ago .... this bloke rocks up to the Kete working bee in the library: "I've come to give yer a hand" he says. So we sat him down in front a computer, alongside the other volunteers. "Whats this?" he asks, "A computer" says I, and "How does it work" ... you can imagine the next 30 minutes as I introduced the mouse and the cursor and explained about how to type. "I want to make videos of vintage farm machinery" elicited pure joy on my part. (I'd taken photos earlier in the year at the local API Show and needed help identifying what the various machines were.) "You can't call that a White Tractor!" he exclaimed, horrified, "White is a brand, and its not that brand - its just white in colour". An hour and half after walking into the Library Charlie was 'cataloguing' images, live on Kete. "It can't be that hard, aye" he reckoned. Last week he rocked up again: we showed him the internet, did a search on "Farmall Tractor images". And that was the last we heard from Charlie all night. Last night he rocks up again: "I've ordered a computer from Dell". Charlie loves this whole Kete thing, loves that he could work on it from home, loves than he will be able to load in video of his beloved vintage machinery working in all its purring perfection. The worry is that he is going to put it in his shed. "You can't", we said, "what about your wife". "No, its going in my shed: its nice and warm and quiet". Charlie's poor wife will never get to see him now. We've seen this before; these chaps get all interested in a new toy and bingo: suddenly your cup-of-tea-maker is no longer available. We need to start a support group for Kete Widows!