Topic: Training Schedule
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Schedule for training a 4 hour introductory session.
Creating And Editing Users
- Click the register link and sign up as a new user
- Log in as admin and set that user have the required users level if you need to be a moderator or admin
- At the same time explain the Admin, Basket Admin, Tech Admin and Moderator roles
- Explain how to set passwords and reset passwords for users
What is a Basket ?
Explain how the concept of baskets works in kete
Types of content in Kete
Brief explanation of what the various types of content, Topic, audio file ... are.
Not covering extended fields.
Adding New Topics
How to add a new topic into a basket.
Editing Topics
How the various functions of the WYSIWYG editor work
Cutting and Pasting Content
Using the "paste as plain tex" and "paste from word buttons" to control formatting and strip bad html
Adding Images
How to upload a new image to kete and how to create a new link to it.
Adding Documents
How to add new documents
Basket Homepages
What the various options do on the "homepage options" tab of basket preferences do.
Other Basket Options
Moderation, how it works and what it does.
Themes how to set a new theme.
Members screen (already covered in users section)
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Hi Joann,
Any reason that Pippa couldn't just add them to the Help basket on That way anyone can have a stab at using them or updating them to suit. Plus Pippa gets credit for creating them, as she should.
If there is duplication, we can collaboratively merge things together.
Seems like a good candidate for a related topic.

Hey Walter,
Sure thing. They are being test driven by 20 or so Kete users this week, then will get a final proof read for grammer etc then we'll load them up here for anyone to use.
Cheers Jo.
Tags: tutorials
Jo Ransom
said Advanced Tutorial Modules
Hi Steven,
Pippa has written a bunch of Advanced Tutorials giving detailed step-by-step instructions for doing clever things in Kete. Would you like them? They were designed for use in a guided classroom set up or self instruction.
cheers Jo.