Final stages of Kete 1.2 software installation.
This is a document that steps through the final web based stages of the installation of the kete 1.2 software.
Filename: APNK_KeteInstallation_and_Configuration_Guide.pdf ( download )
Size: 577.8 KB
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This is a document that steps through the final stages of the installation of the kete 1.2 software. Once the software requirements have been met and the technical admin installing the software gets ruby on rails to present through the web interface.
It supplements the setup stages already explained on the site for each individual operating system.
To get the full guided in printable form, use the "view" link above.
Kete Initial Configuration Guide for
Technical Administrators
February 2010
This guide takes you through the final steps required to get your Kete site running after the
necessary software has been installed. It contains configuration steps you perform using the
web interface the first time you start the site.
Once you have installed all the software and you have the correct entries in your apache
configuration for the (virtual) host you'll be running, then you can start the web interface and
configure your site. Most of the changes you make here are stored in the system_settings and
several other tables in the database for Kete.
The final stages of the setup
These final stages of the setup run some commands natively on the server to change
passwords and start and stop various services. To make sure that the setup can see these
settings, you can try running the commands by hand as the user that you have made to run the
ruby on rails sites. In this example I have a user called kete.
login: kete
password: ********
the command htpasswd needs to be run at one point. So, try running htpasswd from the
command line
> htpasswd
htpasswd [-cmdpsD] passwordfile username
htpasswd -b[cmdpsD] passwordfile username password
You should get a result back about the usage of this command. The zebra commands to start
and stop and initialize the zebra database instances will also be run as part of the setup so
make sure the user can execute
>zebrasrv --?
Usage: zebrasrv [ -a <pdufile> -v <loglevel> -l <logfile> -u <user> -c <config> -t <minutes> -k
<kilobytes> -d <daemon> -p <pidfile> -C certfile -ziDST1 -m <time-format> -w <directory>
<listener-addr>... ]
If you cannot run these commands then you'll need to add them to the path environment
variable in your kete users profile. htpasswd is part of the apache install on your server.
Depending on the flavour of operating system this could be in various directories. The zebra
installation will depend on where you decided to put it when you installed it. The recommended
directories for this to be in is in /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, or /opt/local/bin.
On solaris you may also need to change some settings in the /zebradb/ file.
These changes are to do with the fact that solaris has the bourne shell installed at /bin/sh
whereas many linux servers have the bash shell installed as /bin/sh and also the command line
options for ps on solaris are not the same as for ps on linux.
for solaris change the first line to
and change the -ax on line 11 to -A
for child in $(ps -o pid,ppid -A | \
Once your happy that htpasswd and the zebra programs can be found type in the url of the site
into your browser. for example
You should be presented with the page shown below. The first time you access the site it
needs to load and compile modules so it may seem a bit sluggish.
The login field should be filled with admin and the default password you need to type into the
password box is test. Then click on Login in. This will present you with the following screen.
After reading the instructions on the screen click on change password
Type in the old password of test and a new password that you'd like your techadmin to have.
Please note that the password must be changed from test. If you leave it as test later
configuration of the site will be effected as the administration configuration screens check the
admin's password to determine if the site is fully configured. Click change password to
This will display the Configure Page which incidentially is that same page as is displayed when
you click on configure site from the administrators toolbox once your site is up and running.
Right now we’re simply getting the site up and running, configuring the settings and starting
zebra and backgroundrb. We know we can come back and reconfigure ,so you shouldn't click
on the Advanced options link right now.
Click on the Server link to allow you to configure the name of the site, its url and some
important email addresses for the site. Pretty site name shows at the top right of the screen as
the name of your Kete and on emails.
Sitename is important to enter correctly as it will effect many of the configuration parameters
such as file paths etc presented to the user.
The notifier email is where emails appear to come from when the site sends emails. Its
important to make this a real email as users may try to reply email back to this address with
questions or queries and also if emails are undeliveriable etc.
Contact email is the address of the person who'll take general queries about the site when the
contact email address link is clicked on the site. It is also important this is a real person's
address so that queries about the site can be dealt with. When you've completed this, click on
Clicking the next link System will display a dialog about the maximum file size to upload.
Depending on the useage of your kete, 50mb may not be enough. Determine a size and Click
When you clicked on save you'll go back to the previous dialog and you'll notice the "Not yet
complete" wording at the bottom of the page now says "all required settings are complete". This
is because you've completed setting the server and system options for the site, which is enough
to have a basic working site. You could continue through the configuration by clicking on the
Next button at this point, but I'd recommend that you finish the configuration with the accounts,
warnings, flagging, results display, related items display and extended fields links first.
So click on Accounts to change the account settings.
Require activation is a good setting as it makes sure that the user who is trying to get an
account has a valid email address and requires them to receive an email and activate it to use
the Kete.
Captcha type is about the challenge given to the user when they try to join the site. Leaving it at
all is a good option unless you are having difficulties with imagemagick and it doesn't work
%100. Click on save.