Topic: How do I get Kete if I want to do it on my own (DIY)?

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An outline of what goes into setting up Kete on your own.

Originally written by Walter McGinnis, Kete Project Lead for Katipo Communications, Ltd.

Your responsibilities:

  • The hardware and facilities to house it.
  • A suitable network connection.
  • The labour to install required software and Kete.
  • The ability to troubleshoot problems if things go wrong. 


  • Their is no cost for Kete or its supporting software.
  • You have complete control and you have everything necessary to run your site.
  • It's a great opportunity to learn about what makes Kete, Ruby on Rails, Zebra, and the operating system you use tick.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Installing and maintaining web applications may not be part of your or your organisation's skills.
  • You or your organisation may incur costs to provide an adequate machine, facility for the machine, and network connection.
  • You are ultimately responsible for solving your own problems if something is beyond your abilities.  The Kete community can be a great resource though.

Where do I get more information:

Don't forget a Backup Plan!

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License
How do I get Kete if I want to do it on my own (DIY)? by Walter McGinnis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License