Topic: Kete 2.0, what do we want it to be?
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A place to discuss what should be included in the Kete 2.0 release.
Here's the new Kete 2.0 in milestone:
This is just a starting point. It is very much an evolving idea of what should be in Kete 2.0. It is meant to get people firing up their imaginations about what could be on the horizon.
What would you like to see in Kete 2.0?
Please edit this topic or use the discussion features to let us hear what you have to say.
West Coast Kete - suggestions from Buller, Grey and Westland district libraries, ICT WC and Kete administrators:
1. Suggested improvements to website, navigation and content for Ease of use:
· Better and clear instructions, explain terminology
· More intuitive navigation and easy steps to follow
· Need to attract more users to the side – engage with citizens to create content
· Bulk upload facility
· Metadata need explanation and encouraged, users need to understand why tags are important, encourage more and better tagging
· Online editing or workspace facility - allow editing after uploading (e.g. bring multiple documents into right order)
· Baskets disappeared from top bars, would be good to have them back
· Viewing images should become easier; link to “View” original files need bolded or better highlighted
· Explanations missing, e.g. adding items or “Topic” not self explaining, maybe we need to change wording from “Topic” to “Multiple formats”
· How to avoid duplication of uploaded content?
2. Kete in the wider context
· Rethink whole structure of kete – kete needs to be on a national level instead of having regionalised ketes. We suggest accessibility for the whole country
· Needs to be supported by Government
· Suggest business case to Government to achieve national funding and leadership.
· Need to gain national advocacy to make kete a community repository for all New Zealanders
· Suggest APNK approaching DIA to formulate a business case for a national Kete solution
· Suggest investigation if APLM would support a national kete initiative to lobby on behalf of public libraries
· DigitalNew Zealandand kete need to be stronger linked together:
· e.g. Link to Digital NZ results or search box on kete website
· e.g. Digital NZ website “Make it digital” could promote availability and use of ketes for community
· e.g. Maybe even integration of kete into Digital NZ for community content?
· Centralised marketing and promotion for Kete like TV add’s and national media campaign
3. Kete administration
- There is a level of frustration about usability
- Proposed changes and improvements to kete didn’t come through yet
4. Kete and Public Libraries
Previous kete workshops and kete promotion were funded by WC ICT funding which is not available any more.
Libraries now are depending on voluntary activities.
- Libraries have difficulty sustaining local funding for kete
- Desire to work closer with GLAM sector but needs to be facilitated
- Libraries volunteer staff and time to digitize or promote kete, but in-house resources are getting less available
- Libraries are interested in engaging with schools to encourage skill building and usage of regional kete for student projects and can focus on this
- West Coast ICT kids conference might incorporate workshop for CYBERians to reinject kete skills on schools
Tauranga City Libraries -wishlist
Capacity to locate articles in multiple baskets (more than just linking).
Capacity to have slideshows of images within an article not just at basket level.
A "Read it Later' function that links to Pocket accounts etc.
Easier layout options - looks a bit 1990 at the moment.
Capacity to add images within an article that don't need to be uploaded as a separate/archived image. i.e. for illustrative reasons only. E.G. the wordle in the Ernie Cox story. At the moment copying pages from a website does this so it is possible
Puke Ariki wish list/queries (notes from Walter with *)
Is it possible to get hit rate statistics for the various baskets in Kete? * could you elaborate? third party web statistics packages can break down by URL, etc. What are you looking for?
Sometimes there is a delay in seeing an uploaded item, just wondering why that is and if it can be looked at? * the search engine has to be updated as well as the item, this is the likely cause of the delay, 1.3 may address some of your concerns
Likely release date for new version of Kete - is it 1.3 or 2.0? * 1.3 was released at the beginning of the year, an incremental 1.4 release is being worked on (as a follow up) with its scope in flux, 2.0 is long term planning at this point (June, 2012)
- We would like to be able to upload data from cells in a spreadsheet into Kete - is that possible? * possibly in 1.4 or 2.0 it has been requested and I believe there may be funding to cover the work
- Is it possible to change the chosen license for a topic? * only "behind the scenes" at this point, i.e. you have to have programmer knowledge and it depends ont the cirumstances
From Walter in regards to Kete 2.0 and "single sign-on" recently funded a Kete add-on for the support for BrowserID (in the process of being re-branded as Persona, but developer documentation, etc. is still using BrowserID currently) which is a single authorization tool by Mozilla (the non-profit that are the creators of the Firefox browser). It has been implemented and is now in use. Although not a true Single Sign On solution, it does provide some some of the convenience that you would expect from such solutions (single password, managed outside of any individual site) and is an open source alternative that is supported by a non-profit foundation rather than something controlled by a specific corporation like Facebook Connect, Twitter, or Google.

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> Facebook Connect allows people who are logged into Facebook to be to logged into
> Kete. I noticed that Twitter logins were
> mentioned & thought adding a little bit more
> made sense.
> There are concerns with FB privacy, but I think that having multiple ways to log
> in lowers barriers to entry.
Thanks for your input Tim.
Yes, I would say any solution for logging in from outside services would probably include Facebook.
In fact, if I had to choose only one outside login service today, I would probably choose Facebook as I think it would add the most value to Kete sites for lowering the barrier to new users. That is not to say that I don't think Facebook has serious issues with how it treats its users. I just see it as a tradeoff.
However, though Facebook is a priority, my hope is that we can put something together that allows us to connect from a broad swath of services. The goal is to give the user the choice of where he or she defines his or her online identity (and authentication). As you are probably aware OpenID and OAuth hold promise here, but are still evolving and haven't reached the goal of truly allowing for the kind of user choice that I'm after.
I feel it is a good goal to work towards though. I hope it works in both directions. I like the idea of a user being able to choose a Kete site (run by an organization that really is a part of his or her community) as who they trust to look after their online identity.
Tags: authentication, identity

I added a few more line items related to HTML5 (moving to this for our templates), designing first for mobile devices (without limiting to one device or browser), and inclusion of Microdata for adding more semantically meaningful descriptions of items Kete describes via Extended Fields:
Tags: HTML 5, Microdata, mobile, Kete 2.0

said Link updates
I'd love to see the capacity to change the title (and therefore location) of an item and for all links to that page to automatically update.

Great to have your input. Thanks. I'm still a little confused about what you are after though.
Though the title is included in the URL, it isn't the identifying aspect of it. I'll explain what I mean:
- right now the title for this item is "Kete 2.0, what do we want it to be?" and the URL is ""
- if I edit the title for this item to be "Kete 2.0, what do we want to have in it?", the URL will become ""
- the "" part doesn't change when the title does
- as long as an external link keeps that part of the URL intact, the link will go to the correct page regardless of what follows "/322-"
Are you talking about some other aspect of the URL? Maybe the basket name part (in this case "site")? In the past we talked about putting in automatic redirects for these two cases:
- if a basket is renamed and thus the URL is changed
- if an item is moved from one basket to another basket and therefore its URL is changed
The ticket for it is here:
Are you talking about something different still?
Tags: redirection, baskets, enhancements

said Re: Link updates
I didn't realise that - that's excellent. So taking the link from an item's url up to the numeral will safeguard against url shift due to article name change.
eg rather than creating a link to
i should make the link to
But if I then move the basket I want to store this artlce in, even the second link will become inaccurate right? In that case is there something I can do?
Tags: redirection, baskets, enhancements

> eg rather than creating a link to
> i should make the link to
It doesn't matter if you make the link the first or second one, because Kete will treat both as if they are the second one.
> But if I then move the basket I want to store this artlce in, even the second
> link will become inaccurate right? In that case is there something I can do?
I've implemented a feature that automatically registers a redirect for the old address of the basket and redirects everything at the address to the new basket URL.
E.g. /a/topics/show/1 if you rename the basket to 'b' will be redirected to /b/topics/show/1
This is a brand new feature and will be available in 1.4 (i.e. your site won't have it yet, unless you want to upgrade before 1.4 is released).
In addition, if you an item from one basket to another basket, a redirect is also registered, but this time an exact redirect (not everything under a given, basket, just the item moved).
E.g. if you move topic 1 from basket 'c' to basket 'd' , the old URL was /c/topics/show/1 and you request that address, you will be redirected to /d/topics/show/1.
I'm happy to have it finally implemented. It has been bugging me for a long time.
Tags: redirection, baskets, enhancements

We have been having a wee problem with people clicking on the "replace description with document text" button and erasing stuff already typed in. This is particularly a problem where the PDF was not 'born digital' - e.g. our hand written Maori Landcourt minute books.My solution is to go back to the history - but I have missed some instances!
We do not have many 'born digital' pdfs loaded on to kete - and most of them are loaded by me. Would it be possible to restrict this button to admin only? - or can you think of another solution to this problem?????
Kete Horowhenua

> Would it be possible to restrict this button to admin only? - or
> can you think of another solution to this problem?????
I would say both are possible. That doesn't mean they are equally the best solution though.
Restricting the feature to moderators/admins might be wise to do as a basket setting. Of course that means you have to remember to make the restriction (or turn it off if you don't want it). That seems like a lot of complexity.
I think the better option is to improve the functionality like so:
- create a "document text" field for the document (in the database and the search record, but not shown in the UI) that holds the text of the document automatically on document upload and thus allows it to be full text searchable
- move "replace description with document text" to a button in the rich text editor, renamed "add text from document" or something more succint
- when the button is clicked the text from the document text field will be inserted at the point where the cursor is in the description
I think it is a fair assumption that most sites would like documents to be full text searchable (rather than explicitly making that decision) and this makes that automatic. It also keeps the funtionality of being able to add the text of the document to its description, but makes it more flexible and less of a "tripping hazard" for unaware users.
What do you think?
Tags: documents, enhancements, replace description with document text

Excellent solution.
Tags: documents, enhancements, replace description with document text

Here's a blog post that doesn't paint a pretty picture of the state of OAuth 2.0, along with mentioning that OpenID Connect is also problematic:
Hard to hear that these promising proposals for open standards have not panned out.
In the meantime there is Mozilla Persona (neé BrowserID) for helping to simplify authentication across sites:
We already have a Kete add-on for Persona and it is in use in production on It's pretty sweet, actually.
Tags: BrowserID, OpenID Connect, Persona, Mozilla, Mozilla Persona, OAuth, OpenID, authentication, single sign-on

I recently came across your awesome site!!! I LOVE it. What a great way to share educational resources!!! The TKI Kete limits registration to teachers so thanks to Kete for welcoming an educational researcher like me!!! I will add to this discussion if/when needed but so far I find the site user-welcoming and a fabulous way to share! Annick Janson (

As a part of the providing a read/write API for Kete (i.e. enabling each Kete site to have it's own API) we are likely to use the common practice of publishing JSON for the data formatting.
It's worth considering whether we should go a step further and emit JSON-LD (the LD is for Linked Data) so as to also make our data useful as Linked Open Data.
Here's an introduction to JSON-LD:
The Digital Public Library of America's API uses JSON-LD.
Tim McNamara
said Facebook connect
Facebook Connect allows people who are logged into Facebook to be to logged into Kete. I noticed that Twitter logins were mentioned & thought adding a little bit more made sense.
There are concerns with FB privacy, but I think that having multiple ways to log in lowers barriers to entry.
Tags: authentication