Topic: How do I make it so new registrants automatically become members of a basket besides the "site" basket?

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Walking through the steps necessary to set up automatic membership upon registration to a basket other than the site basket.

Automatic membership on registration.

Important Note: System settings, if you mess up their formats, can take your entire site down! Read the directions below each system setting's field carefully!

How you set it up:
  1. Note the id for each basket that you want to have automatic membership on registration (a good way is to go to the preference page for the basket and look in the URL, i.e. /en/help/baskets/edit/2 is a URL for a basket with an id of 2)
  2. Go to Administrator's Toolbox, click on "reconfigure site" (using a tech admin account, like the default administrator account you used to configure the site at installation)
  3. Click "Advanced Options"
  4. Click "System"
  5. Adjust the setting for Default Baskets Ids, be sure to read the instructions below the field about its syntax (important note, do not replace the site basket's id, 1, Kete will act strangely and you really need to know what you are doing to not have people be members of the site basket)
    A comma separated list of ids for the baskets that users will be added to as members when they are registered. Opening [ and closing ] are required. You are probably best to add to this list rather than replace it.
    like {1,10}
  6. Click "Save"
  7. Click "Restart Site" (for earlier versions of Kete, you may have to have a system administrator do this for you from the command line)
Now any NEW registrants to the site will automatically be added as members of the Default Baskets Ids baskets.  Keep in mind that existing people that have registered to the site will still have to be added manually via each baskets members page.

Note: If you don't want people do things (add items, etc.).  Rather than deleting 1 from the Default Basket IDs you should use the site basket's preferences and (more substantially) the show/hide settings in the appearance tab.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License
How do I make it so new registrants automatically become members of a basket besides the "site" basket? by Walter McGinnis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License