Topic: Configuring Kete for your timezone

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For technical reasons, Kete data is shown in UTC by default (i.e. same timezone as Greenwich). Follow these steps to change to the displayed timezone to what you want.

Originally written by Kieran Pilkington, Kete Developer for Katipo Communications, Ltd.

An appendix to the Installation Guide

By default, Kete data is shown in UTC (+0). And at the time of writing, Kete does not yet have individual timezone controls for user accounts, but its easy to change your entire application to use a different Timezone depending on where the bulk of your vistors of the site will be coming from.

Open up a console where your kete application is hosted, cd into the directory, and run the following rake command

$ rake time:zones:local

This will list the application's guess of what your local timezone you are in. For example:

* UTC +12:00 *
Marshall Is.

In our case, we are in Wellington. So we open up config/environement.rb in our favorite text editor and change this line:

config.time_zone = 'UTC'

To this:

config.time_zone = 'Wellington'

Save the file and the restart your server.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License
Configuring Kete for your timezone by Kieran P is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License