Topic: Turning on Kete's OAI-PMH Repository

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Kete 1.1 includes the ability to serve a Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting repository. Here are the steps to enable the functionality.

Originally written by Walter McGinnis, Kete Project Lead for Katipo Communications, Ltd.


In order to do this you must, as a tech admin (such as the default administrator account), reconfigure your Kete instance (using the 'reconfigure site' control from the Administrator's Toolbox):
  1. Click "Show Advanced Options"
  2. Click "Server" to open the server options dialog
  3. Change the setting on "Provide OAI PMH Repository" to "true" (without quotes)
  4. Click "Save" and then restart your Kete server to ensure the settings take effect (in Kete 1.2 and above, use "Restart Server" button).
The OAI-PMH repository will now answer OAI-PMH Harvester requests at http://your_site/oai_pmh_repository, such as http://your_site/oai_pmh_repository?verb=Identify


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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License
Turning on Kete's OAI-PMH Repository by Walter McGinnis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License