Topic: Mapping Synonym s for set imported images to include dates.
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I'm trying to change the way I import images so that digits in the keywords field of the image (such as 1950 or c 1950) are imported with the date as 1950
or 1950 (circa ticked). This would make our set imported images more machine readable to places like DigitalNZ.
I have tried to follow the instructions here:
by adding ['Date'] or ['Year'] to the Tags Synonyms here
but no date encoded in the final result.
What am I doing wrong?

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Tags are simply text fields and have dc:subject (rather than dc:date ) as their Dublin Core element. So adding a Tag synonym will only give you tags of what are entered as text values for the keyword field.
The only special parsing of your image's keyword values when they are specified as tag synonyms is that value will be split up into sepaparate tags based on if there are commas.
E.g 'tag1, tag2, tag3" will result in three separate tags being made.
What you need, and this may be tricky as I will touch on at the end, is to have an Extended Field that has your image's keyword field as import synonym. The Extended Field should be set up as Year ftype and allow circa values. You may also want to make the field able to have multiple values.
You can specify keyword (remember it has to be specified as exactly how it appears in your data) as both a tag synonym and import synonym for your Extended Field and the value(s) it contains will be added to both.
Here's the potential gotcha...
If you have invalid values in your image's keywords (e.g. 'not a year' rather than '1984') , the validation on the Extended Field with the import synonym will fail because it doesn't allow non-year data.
So using a generic keyword field in your image's embedded data may be problematic.
Tags: tags, dates, year ftype, extended fields, imports, import synonyms, tag synonyms

Valid Extended Field date's include 'c 1950' though don't they?
When one by one images are uploaded with a Circa date tagged during the upload process, where within the image file does Kete record that date?
Tags: tags, dates, year ftype, extended fields, imports, import synonyms, tag synonyms

> Valid Extended Field date's include 'c 1950' though don't
> they?
Yes, that is valid for a Year Extended Field.
> When one by one images are uploaded with a Circa date tagged during the upload
> process, where within the image file does Kete record that date?
I would say DateTimeOriginal is probably what you are after. However, that field on the EXIF side expects a properly formatted date with time (and no circa). A pickle!
Hmm, this may be useful:
Tags: tags, dates, year ftype, extended fields, imports, import synonyms, tag synonyms

Taurnaga Memories has an Ftype Year extended field with keyword set as an import synonym. I just tried to import set two images I know to have c space YYYY in the keywords field. When I open the images and edit in the kete the date field is still blank.
Can you check my settings to confirm I've set it up right?
Tags: tags, dates, year ftype, extended fields, imports, import synonyms, tag synonyms

The import synonym needed to be called "Keywords" rather than "keyword" for the Extended Field. I've made the change for you on your site since I have access.
Hopefully that does the trick.
Tags: tags, dates, year ftype, extended fields, imports, import synonyms, tag synonyms

This hasn't worked unfortunately.
Tags: tags, dates, year ftype, extended fields, imports, import synonyms, tag synonyms
said I understand that...
I understand changes to occur to future imports not past imports