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these are the steps that I'm taking: git clone git:// myapp cd myapp/ cp config/database.example config/database.yml rake db:create cp config/backgroundrb.yml.example config/backgroundrb.yml rake manage_gems:required:install sudo gem install rmagick sudo gem install
So sorry, in returning to this problem I discovered that the "kete" user had been created with a different shell (inexplicably, to me at least) and the .bashrc (and therefore
When I run this command: rake manage_gems:required:install It stalls at this point: "sudo gem install hoe && sudo gem install tenderlove-frex -s && sudo gem install racc" And I've
I propose that we add an indication on the signup/profile edit form next to the email field. We should do a dynamic update (AJAX) based on what the user enters
Re: if you get rake kete:upgrade fails with "No such file or directory... zebradb/bootstrap.xml.erb"
Edit: As of Kete 1.2, the capistrano deployment scripts now copy these files to the correct location, so you no longer need to do it yourself. You are probably doing