Topic: How can I use Kete to host podcasts?

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As of 1.2, Kete supports the necessary format in its RSS feeds for hosting podcasts (audio and video).

Here's how Wikipedia describes a podcast:

"podcast is a series of digital media files, usually digitalaudio, or video, that is made available for download via web syndication."

There are two parts to podcasts:

  • the podcast content file (the digital media file)
  • the RSS feed that describes how to obtain it (the web syndication)

After you upload an audio or video file to a Kete site, Kete will handle creating the necessary RSS feed for you.

For example if your podcast episodes comprise all audio files on the site, go to the "Browse" results page for audio and copy the link address that the RSS icon at the bottom of the page points at.

Or if your podcasts are just your video files that you have contributed to the site, go to your account profile (click on your name in the top right menu bar if you are logged in), click on the link provided for you contributions there, then click the video tab, then copy the link address that the RSS icon at the bottom of the page points at.

Note: you can use any RSS feed Kete provides (say from search results) to define your podcasts link.

The last step is that you will need to submit that link to a podcast registry such as iTunes.  Here's Apple's guide to submitting to iTunes:

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License
How can I use Kete to host podcasts? by Walter McGinnis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License