Topic: What is RSS and how do I use it with Kete?
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A topic on how one might use RSS to keep track of changes to a site that is built on the Kete software.
What is RSS?
RSS is most commonly an an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. It is a standard for publishing a list of additions or updates to a website that users can subscribe to and receive notice of the site's changes automatically.
There are number of guides to RSS on the web. Here are some that we found to be particularly good introductions to what RSS is, its benefits, and how to use it:
And my personal favorite: Understanding RSS in Safari - explains a RSS generally as well as using RSS in Safari.
What RSS feeds can I subscribe to in Kete?
Kete allows you to subscribe to almost any list of results that you may find on a Kete site. Available RSS feeds range from the most standard "show me any new or updated topics on the entire site" to custom feeds tailored to your individual needs such as "I want all all new or updated images contributed by John Smith including the term 'whale' in the Ocean Research section of the site".
For example, click the "Browse" link from any page. This will give you a list of the latest topics on the site. Subscribe by using the RSS link on the page. After subscribing, new topics will show up in your feed reader after as they are added to the site. You can do the same for images, audio, video, documents, web links, or discussion.
If you do a search, you'll notice that there is an RSS link for that results page for that, too. Same goes for things that have been tagged with a term or contributed by a particular user. Again, this allows to you to subscribe to the latest additions or updates to the site that fulfill the criteria.
Feel free to subscribe to the following:
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