Topic: How can I use images on my site with CoolIris?

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As of 1.2, Kete suppors Media RSS in its feeds which means that Kete image feeds work with CoolIris.

Here's how to view your site's images (all or a subset) on a CoolIris "wall" (unfortunately limited to Flash based viewer at the moment):

  • install CoolIris where you want to use it as described at
  • go to any of your site's image result pages (browse or search with images tab selected)
  • flip to the CoolIris view (probably via a button in the top bar of your browser)
  • enjoy the show of the nifty wall of images!

Cooliris is somewhat outdated now. However, creating a new slideshow with Kete's builtin jQuery JavaScript library is an avenue to explore. Search the web for "media RSS jQuery slideshow" and you may be able for find some example code.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License
How can I use images on my site with CoolIris? by Walter McGinnis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License