Topic: Internet Explorer specific CSS support in themes

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How Kete helps you make your themes work better with IE.


Internet Explorer renders things quite differently from Firefox and Safari. Sometimes, IE only stylesheets are needed to make things work in all browsers.


As of Kete 1.3, we allow for easier handling of IE specific CSS rules. Simply have a file named ie.css in your theme, and Kete will use it for all Internet Explorer browsers, and it won't affect Firefox or Safari.

In the case that you need different styles for IE6 and IE7, drop files titled ie6.css or ie7.css into your theme and they'll take effect in the correct browsers.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License
Internet Explorer specific CSS support in themes by Kieran P is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License