Topic: Acquire Kete Code
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In the context of the installation guide, the process of acquiring the Kete code.
Originally written by Walter McGinnis, Kete Project Lead for Katipo Communications, Ltd.
Part of the Installation Guide
Acquiring the Kete Code
Important Note: This step assumes that you are logged in as the user who will be running your Kete. For demos and development this is likely your normal account, for production this is the "kete" account if you have followed the conventions laid forth in the last step.
Read the Downloads topic. Choose whether you want to run the more stable code in the release branch or the "bleeding edge" code in git master that has the latest features. Then do this:
$ sudo su - kete # or whatever account will be running Kete
$ cd ~/apps
Then run the git clone command on the Download page to get the code.
If you have an older copy of the source code from Git, run the following once to setup a remote source
$ cd your_app
$ git remote add github git://
and run the following to update the code base whenever required.
(change branch to either master if you're using the latest code, or the branch you're using, such as 1-1-stable)
$ git pull github [branch]
Next step:
Setting Up Databases
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![Walter McGinnis's Avatar.](
> git remote add github git://
> fatal: Not a git repository
> europa:/home/kete/apps# git remote add github git://
> fatal: Not a git repository
You actually skipped an important bit (I'll try to make it more clear in edit):
Then run the git clone command on the Download page to get the code.
Below that is the "If you have an older copy of the source code from Git, run the following once to setup a remote source". You should only do that IF you had a previous version of Kete running that you want to upgrade.
So, you need to go to the Downloads page and grab the correct clone command and run that probably.
Tags: git debian lenny kete
said git remote didn't work on debian lenny
europa:/home/kete/apps# git remote add github git://
fatal: Not a git repository
The above git command ended with fatal error on Debian Lenny.
Following command worked!!!
europa:/home/kete/apps# git-clone git:// your_application_name
Tags: git debian lenny kete