Topic: Installation
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An introduction and table of contents for how to install Kete.
Originally written by Walter McGinnis, Kete Project Lead for Katipo Communications, Ltd.
This guide will walk you through how to install the Kete software, a knowledge basket of topics, images, audio, video, web links, documents, and discussion.
Kete, like most Ruby on Rails applications, has many installation options. Installing Kete, therefore, can be simple or complex, depending on your needs and situation. We have chosen to outline a simple installation path that is most useful for setting up a Kete demo site or a development environment (but could also be used for a full blown site), as well as a "best practice" for deploying a production ready Kete with an eye toward making it easy to roll out future site upgrades.
To keep things concise, we assume that supporting software, such as the MySQL database, will be installed on the same host as the Kete software itself. In other words you'll be installing everything one computer (or virtual computer, as the case may be). Kete is quite capable of having it's different supporting pieces of software on other hosts though. For the timebeing, we'll also assume you are using MySQL. If you install via another database like PostgreSQL, please post your details in the comments.
You might find reading these background topics useful before you proceed:
- So you want a Kete of your own?
- Things to consider when planning a Kete installation
- Technical Requirements
Important Note: This guide doesn't cover creating backups. You should probably look at Backup Procedures for Kete.
Simple Installation:
Step | Described for: |
Preinstall Assumptions: | All platforms |
Installing Required Software |
Debian Squeeze | Mac OS X | Debian Lenny | openSUSEneeds updating | Solaris 10needs updating | Debian EtchDepreciated |
Setting up Environment |
All platforms |
Acquiring Kete code | All platforms |
Setting up Databases | All platforms |
Configure the Backgroundrb Plugin | All platforms |
Prepare the Kete Application | All platforms |
Setting up HTTP Requests server | All platforms |
Configuring your Kete site |
All platforms |
Optional Best Practices - Managing your Kete application's codebase and deploying it to a production host:
Katipo has found these additional steps provide a more complete set of tools for managing a Kete application's life cycle and a better fit for sites in production. Most notably, upgrading your Kete application's codebase as new features, security fixes, and refinements are added to the Kete software project becomes much easier.
- Establish a Development Environment
- Add Your Kete Application's Code to Version Control
- Deploy to Your Production Host with Capistrano
Here are additional notes that you might also find useful, as well as some supporting links.
- Add Your Kete Application to /etc/hosts
- Don't Forget Log Rotation (and Statistics)
- Additional Development Niceties (Emacs and Aquamacs mainly)
- Managing Zebra
- Bulk Delete Records from both Search Index and Kete Application
- Delete Orphaned Search Records from Zebra
- Troubleshooting
- Upgrading to Kete 1.2 Release Branch
- Upgrading Ruby Enterprise Edition
- Improving private file download (send_file) performance
- Using Content Licenses in Kete 1.1
Some older articles. May no longer be relevant.
- Start Your Mongrel Cluster at Boot
- Example Nginx Configuration File for Simple Installation
- Example Nginx Configuration File for use with Capistrano
- Upgrading Kete to 1.0 Stable Release Branch
- Upgrading to Kete 1.1 Release Branch
- Set Up Your Production Host for Your Kete Application
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Hi Peter,
Great to hear that you are making progress. I'm looking forward to including your install instructions.
Tags: Centos, Installation, Kete, rubyforge, gem
said CentOS install
Thank you. You guessed right we did do this part with a direct connection and decided to carry on rather than spend too much time on the problem. We have got kete installed but just have to iron out a few (small, we hope) things.
When we're happy with our installation, i am hoping to send you copy of our installation instructions.