Topic: Establish a Development Environment

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Optional, but recommended best practice for Kete applications. Create a development area for working on your Kete application before deploying to the production site.

Originally written by Walter McGinnis, Kete Project Lead for Katipo Communications, Ltd.

Part of the Installation Guide

A separate development area for your Kete application from where you locate your production site is a major way to guard against unintended breakage of your production Kete site. It provides an isolated area to develop and test your customisation of your code or third party upgrades before moving them to your live site.

It is also where you control deployments from if you choose to use Capistrano.

It's a good idea to have your development area on a separate host from your production site, but it's not required. In the Ruby on Rails world, it is common for each developer on a project to have development environment for the project on a laptop or work station.

Setting up your Kete Development Environment

After you have chosen a host for your development environment, run through the Simple Installation steps on the development host.

You will then need to import your Kete's application code into a version control repository which we'll do in the next step.

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