Topic: Gentoo installation
Topic type:
How to install Kete on Gentoo Linux.
For the installation a current and fully updated version of Gentoo is used, as of 2012-11-01, and the current version of Kete is used.
The first installation was done using the steps described in the official installation routine and updated and adapted for Gentoo.
The installation uses the rvm tool to manage ruby and its environment. This was chosen because Kete needs Rails 2.3.5 and this is no longer supported by Gentoo. The installation is only for development purpose and does NOT use apache and passenger. If you want to do this you have to run rvm as the root user and follow the additional steps from the main installation routine.
The first step is to check the preconditions for installed modules.
ketet@host $ emerge zebra yaz memcached mysql libyaml imagemagick exiftool
The zebra package isn't part of the offical package database. To be able to install it you can for example add the following overlay:
For more informations on overlays and Gentoo visit these addresses:
In a typical Gentoo installation the following dependencies should already be installed. Nevertheless you can check if that is the case:
kete@host $ emerge libiconv readline zlib openssl curl git libyaml sqlite libxslt libtool gcc autoconf automake bison m4 -av1
When the preconditions are met you should be able to execute the following steps.
Get rvm:
kete@host $ \curl -L | bash -s stable
kete@host $ source /home/kete/.rvm/scripts/rvm
Get Ruby enterprise edition as stated in the Kete documentation
kete@host $ rvm install ree-1.8.7
kete@host $ unset RUBYOPT; sudo env-update #JUST for Gentoo
kete@host $ gem update --system 1.3.7
kete@host $ gem install rails --version 2.3.5
kete@host $ gem install mysql
kete@host $ rvm @global do gem uninstall rake
kete@host $ rvm @global do gem install rake -v=0.8.7
kete@host $ gem install rdoc
kete@host $ gem install rdoc-data; rdoc-data --install
kete@host $ gem install nokogiri
kete@host $ rake manage_gems:required:install
kete@host $ gem install mini_exiftool
kete@host $ gem install rmagick --version 2.12.2
kete@host $ rake kete:tools:set_locales
kete@host $ nano config/locales.yml
kete@host $ cp config/backgroundrb.yml.example config/backgroundrb.yml
kete@host $ nano config/backgroundrb.yml
kete@host $ cp config/database.example config/database.yml
kete@host $ nano config/database.example
kete@host gem uninstall i18n
kete@host $ rake db:bootstrap
Start backgroudnrb:
kete@host $ script/backgroundrb start
Start zebra:
kete@host $ rake zebra:init
kete@host $ rake zebra:load_initial_records
kete@host $ rake zebra:start
Start Kete:
kete@host $ script/server
said Installation purpose
The installation was written and tested for Gentoo Linux. But the used intstallation tool rvm runs on any Linux and also on Mac OS X. So besides the main dependancy packages the installation procedures should be applicable to all systems.
As also stated in the above documentation all necessary gems get installed in the home folder of the user and not system wide. This makes it a good development installation but not a production set-up. Please keep that in mind. If you want to do that you have to execute the rvm tool with the local administrator account. And read the rvm documentation.