Topic: Getting your data to the Kete server
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Part of the Import Guide. Describes moving data to be imported to onto the Kete server.
Part of the Import Guide. Based on a guide originally written for Aotearoa People’s Network Kaharoa.
Getting your data to the Kete server
Now that you have your data exported to records into an import folder and your files gathered in the files subfolder (if applicable), you are ready to move everything to the server.
If you don't have command line access to your server, you'll need the help of a system administrator that does. Negotiate a way to hand over the entire import folder and its contents to the system administrator. You'll need to remember the import folder's exact name for later, but otherwise the system administrator should handle the placement on the server for you.
Note for system administrators: place the import folder inside of the imports directory under the "your_application" directory as defined in the installation conventions.
Next: Preparing Kete's configuration for your data