Topic: Implemented Enhancement: Conventionalize Page Titles
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Should Kete's page titles follow the conventions of most other websites like Google?
Currently when you bookmark a title, you get the following:
page name
But no indication of where it was bookmarked from. The standard for most websites is the following:
page name - area of site - site name
For example, the bookmarkable title for this page would be:
Conventionalize Page Titles - Site -
I believe this also affects how pages are listed in Google Search. Should we make this change in Kete or leave it as is?
Please discuss.

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Sounds good to me. The only change I would make is that when the page is in the default area, i.e. Site, just make it like so:
page - site name
Tags: titles, enhancments

Yep. I think the more 'googleable' Kete content is the better.

If we are thinking about the HTML <title> tag - it is also woth considering some other things.
Here the page is a wrapper around a metadata record. I think the Page title should reflect the DC.title of that record
The DC.title should also be the <h1> tag (currently the h1 is part of the page header)
So I think it should be DC.title - Area label (if present) - [Site label]
where the [Site Label] is a user configuration that would default to site name.
When doing this work it would also make sense to add this information into HTML metadata tags - both the standard ones and DC ones. - maybe even as embeded RDF as well
Tags: semantics, title tags

> When doing this work it would also make sense to add this information into HTML
> metadata tags - both the standard ones and DC ones. - maybe even as embeded RDF
> as well
This work has been completed for Zotero support, and is available in Kete 1.3.
Tags: semantics, title tags

A few responses to help this along:
If we are thinking about the HTML <title> tag - it is also woth considering some other things.
- I agree.
Here the page is a wrapper around a metadata record. I think the Page title should reflect the DC.title of that record
- Just to be clear. This is the case now. Titles of pages for individual topics, images, audio, video, documents, and web links match their DC.title value
The DC.title should also be the <h1> tag (currently the h1 is part of the page header)
So I think it should be DC.title - Area label (if present) - [Site label]
where the [Site Label] is a user configuration that would default to site name.
- Site Label is configurable now, so that is taken care of. It's called "Pretty Site Name" though.
- As far as the first <h1> tag, I think there is room for improvement in Kete's indication of where the user is at, but I think there are two things to keep in mind; 1 - not all Kete sites have the same uses or needs, we will want a flexible solution and 2 - there is a distinction between the main content body for accessibility and the site banner/header. Perhaps we need to promote the first <h2> tag, what currently has the title in the main content body, to a <h1>, but style it to be smaller.
- It would be excellent to see some mockups of what you are suggesting Paul, could you capture the HTML from an example Kete page and alter it to show what you are thinking and attach it as a related document, please? Screenshots would be an ok alternative.
When doing this work it would also make sense to add this information into HTML metadata tags - both the standard ones and DC ones. - maybe even as embeded RDF as well.
- In 1.2, as a result of the accessibility work we have done, the metadata tags for an individual items due reflect things derived from title and things like tags as keywords. This is a start. I'm sure there things, like the embedded RDF, etc. that could be done. Perhaps splitting that off to another enhancement topic in its own right is worthwhile.
Tags: enhancements, titles, HTML, metadata

In regards to HTML meta tags, is this what your are talking about?
Tags: HTML, xhtml, dc, Dublin Core, metadata
Kieran P
said Enhancement Implemented and available in Kete 1.3
Work for this was completed and merged to master. It'll be available in Kete 1.3.
Tags: enhancement, implemented