Topic: Enhancement ideas for Kete
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A topic to draw together discussion around new ideas for enhancements to the Kete code.
I-Kete - as in a whole bunch of personalized stuff. A preliminary drawing of a new members homepage can be found here.
Geospatial / time stuff : I would us to be able to do something groovy with google maps, gps coordinates and images and memories located by time and also place. This is a fantatsic example:
Update: Partially Implemented - This has been done for place in search and browse results when GPS coordinates and will be available in the 1.3 release.
SEO: Improving search engine optimization by standardizing page titles. See here.
Update: Original SEO spec Implemented - This has been done and will be available in the 1.3 release. However, adding Site Map functionality is also desired and has not yet been implemented.
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said GIS links to Kete
We now have an open source Geographic Information Service (GIS) which is linking into the Kete. It would be nice to embed location codes to take a reader to the site to which the article refers.
All the images on the Friends of Te Henui site are coming from the Kete New Plymouth, and the GIS maps link to a photo gallery - the images of which are served from Kete (we need to add more images now that it is working!).
This GIS is very powerful tool - as a PostgreSQL database can be searched for items of interest, and link to articles or images - or anything in kete. The desktop editor is Quantum GIS, and online maps can be updated live.
See the trial map for Puke Ariki - the Taranaki Daily News runs articles on historic origins of Street names (and cemeteries, and buildings..) so we thought that we would link the names to places on the map and to kete material. See the 'features /search' pane on bottom left > street names > Kenmore St ... an image and some text appears. And a link to kete.
What I would like to do now is link the kete text to the point on our map! Will the next version do this for me?
Tags: gis, Postgresql, geoserver, Databases

> What I would like to do now is link the kete text to the point on our map! Will
> the next version do this for me?
Hi Elise,
I could use some more specifics. Could you walk me through a scenario of what you are after, please?
Tags: gis, Postgresql, geoserver, Databases
Walter McGinnis
said Re: iKete
I think we need to be careful with personalization functionality. I have worked on a number projects where a lot of time was invested in personal portal work with not much benefit.
I'm not opposed to some of the concepts that the iKete idea suggests, but I think each element of it should be weighed on its own merits.
I found this recent mailinglist post reflects some of my experience and perspective and is valuable background on personalization:
On thing to keep in mind with Kete is that some of the proposed functionality overlaps with what could be achieved by giving users a basket to customize to suit their needs.
Tags: enhancements, user accounts