Topic: Implemented Enhancment - Display related search content from other organisations
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Implemented in Kete 1.3... Wondering whether there is interest in supplementing search results with something like "related content for this search was also found in...". These supplementary search results could be provided by DigitalNZ.
Would kete users be interested in seeing that there may be related material at a local museum website, or gallery, or another kete up the road? I could see it working as part of the kete search tool. Kete content would still have priority, but at the bottom of the kete search results it could say "Related content for this search was also found in..." DigitalNZ has aggregated this content and it's available for free via the API. DigitalNZ would be interested in building a plugin for this if people are interested.
This work has been implemented and will be included in the Kete 1.3 release. There is also a standalone Ruby on Rails engine (add-on with views and controllers in Rails speak) that supports it available to other Rails application developers here:
Thanks to DigitalNZ, Auckland City Libraries, and Katipo for funding the work.

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Hi Andy,
This is a great idea. It's actually a lot like what we have talked about from the very beginning of hashing out Kete. We have often talked having another tab in the search results page that would say "Library" or possibly "Other" (I sort of like the playful tab name "Everything Else") to bring in results from sources external to the particular Kete site in question.
The question was always how to do this. I even wrote up a report about it awhile back. I've added it as a related document. I'm now in the happy position of saying that developments outside of Kete make the obstacles outlined in the report much diminished.
The advent of the Digital New Zealand project makes it so that Kete itself shouldn't have to do the search aggregation bit, Kete can simply use DNZ's API. Look for exciting stuff that takes advantage of that in the "Contextual Search" feature that will probably be moved up from the 1.4 release to the 1.3 release.
On top of that, easily digestible RSS feeds that are the product of searches have become commonplace in library systems. Koha 3 and Aquabrowser for example.
There are still some hurdles of course, but things have gotten a lot easier.
Tags: UI, related searches, DigitalNZ, search

Hi Andy,
A number of people that represent organizations that use Kete met offline a few days back. I brought up your enhancement idea and the consensus among that group was positive.
I think that is a good enough indication that it is a desirable feature in the community that we should develop it. My feeling is that we should maybe hash out what it might look like with mockups here as the next step.
Jo Ransom
said I really like the idea
Hi Andy,
This sounds like quite a cool idea - I like it alot !
Cheers Jo.