Topic: How can I set up my Kete to pull embedded metadata out of images and other uploaded files?
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As of 1.2, Kete can be enabled to support extracting metadata carried within binary files such as JPEGs. Here's how to set up and take advantage of this feature.
Note: this requires command line access to the machine (or virtual machine) that hosts your Kete site like you had when you installed Kete.
This feature relies on open source third party supporting software to work. First we'll need to install those pieces:
- install EXIFTool by Phil Harvey as described on its project page for your operating system here:
- from the command line as your application's UNIX user account that should have sudo access
$ sudo gem install mini_exiftool # drop sudo if not necessary for your installation
Note: newer installation instructions already do gem installation step for you
Now you can safely enable embedded metadata harvesting on your Kete support with these steps:
- login as a user that has the Technical Administrator role (i.e. the default administrator account)
- click on Administrator's Toolbox > reconfigure site link
- click on Advanced Options
- click on System
- replace false with true in the Enable Embedded Support field
- click Save
- restart your Kete site application from the command line
From this point forward, embedded titles and description field values, if present in a uploaded file, will populate the add item form field AFTER you submit the form.
However, if you want embedded metadata to be harvested for your site's tags or extended fields you must take additional steps. The steps necessary are here.
A good example of how the whole process fits together is covered under How can I configure support for extracting geotags from uploaded images in Kete?
Note: in the case of embedded metadata, field names are "camel cased" compared to what they are displayed as in programs such as Adobe Bridge. For example, what is displayed as "GPS Position" you will want to input as "GPSPosition" for a Kete Import Synonym.