Topic: How do I limit what basket administrators can change or preselect settings for user created baskets?

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As of 1.2, Kete includes a feature called Basket Profiles that allows site administrators to hide basket preference options from normal basket administrators. It also allows site administrators to put in values for basket preference settings.

Basket preferences, appearance, and homepage options are quite extensive and may be more complex than you want to expose your users to when they work with their own baskets. Basket Profiles are meant to hide this complexity as well as lock down what normal basket administrators may change in their baskets, such as the theme.

Once you have set up a basket profile, it will determine what options are exposed to your normal users in basket forms. If you create more than one basket profile, users will be able to choose the most appropriate for them and the form will be updated accordingly.

Here's how to create a basket profile:

  1. login as a site administrator
  2. click Administrator's Toolbox > basket profiles
  3. click Create New
  4. name the profile so that it is logical to users if you plan on having more than one
  5. Field Available - for each form select whether all fields should be available to users, none, or select below
  6. if "select below" you will be able to check off whether each field should be shown
  7. you may also set the default value for that field (even if you hide it from users), by click the triangle to expand it and then setting the value
  8. after you are satisfied, click Create
  9. repeat until you have all the profiles you need


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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License
How do I limit what basket administrators can change or preselect settings for user created baskets? by Walter McGinnis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 New Zealand License