All Results in Documentation discussion

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the search in non english language not accurate  , can i use the ICU libraries with zebra and yaz search
Hi John, It's one of those things that has been on the todo list for a long time for us. You may have beat us to the punch. It's seems
Just a tip, I was installing kete on Lenny recently and saw this error: ActionView::TemplateError (unable to read font `/usr/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.4.3/config//usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/n019003l.pfb': `(null)') on line #55 of account/signup.rhtml: And realized I had
I'm looking for away to start Zebra and also the backgroundrb script automatically. Wonder if adding this to /etc/rc.local will do the trick. /usr/local/bin/ruby /home/kete/site/script/backgroundrb start /usr/local/bin/rake -f /home/kete/site/Rakefile /home/kete/site/
The latest version of the nokogiri gem has the functionality that we need for Kete.  Until the latest nokogiri release, we were required to build it from source before to