Topic: Enhancement Group: making embed code available for audio and video items and create preview on item page for same types
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Improve the presentation of audio and video item detail pages by auto-embedding previews for common file types and provide embed HTML ala Youtube, etc.
This was discussed at the November 2008 community meeting as two desirable changes to Kete.
It would be relatively technically simple to construct previews on an uploaded item's detail page of the most common audio and video filetypes (flash video, .mov, .mp3, etc.). What I propose would NOT require file conversion, but look at the file type and use it to decide:
- if it is a format Kete recognizes as being one that can be given a preview of
- whether a "player" is necessary for the file (i.e. flash video) or a simple HTML object embed is enough
- how to construct the preview's HTML based on its filetype
Once the necessary HTML is generated it can be used by the related feature of providing URLs and Embed code (see a Youtube video page for example of this) that can be easily copied and pasted by those wishing to republish the item. I propose that the Embed code also contain the item's license HTML so proper attribution is done automatically.

Walter McGinnis
said Update: oEmbed added for Still Images and Topics
In ticket #299 I implemented support for the oEmbed open standard ( for still images and topics via the new oembed_provider gem.
Each image now has a discoverable (it's in the head of the HTML page) service that will return the metadata necessary to embed an image.
Topics have a similar service provided as the oEmbed link type, returning things such as author_name and author_url for a topic.
This should serve as a strong basis to provide embed code to an end user eventually as well as to other third party services. We can add a display of what the oEmbed service returns for a given image on the image's page itself, ala YouTube, in the future fairly simply.
For third party services, such as WordPress, all they have to do to get back what they require is submit the image page's URL to the oEmbed endpoint.
The foundation is in place for audio, video, and documents to have this service added as well.
This work has been done as building block for the improvements to the Rich Text Editor for media inclusion enhancement.
Tags: embed, oembed, media, enhancements, open standards, web services