Topic: Welcome
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Homepage for
What is Kete?
Kete is a collaboration engine. It is open source software that you can use to create and share online. Write topics and upload images, audio, video, documents. Discuss them all. Link them together. It's a fun way to get things done. Check out the FAQ for more about Kete. Feel free to ask your questions there!
Kete was originally developed by Horowhenua Library Trust and Katipo Communications, Ltd. for the Kete Horowhenua site.
You can join the Mailing List, or check out the Mailing List Archive or visit our #kete IRC channel on Freenode.
Feature overview
Kete is built around rich tools for collaboration with user generated content at its core while understanding that different circumstances may call for different types of access or privacy. You use the same tools whether you are uploading a totally public image or sharing in private to a limited number of users. Kete can also be extensively tailored to suit a particular use. Kete respects context.
This spirit of sharing and collaboration is extended even to data portability. Kete includes RSS feeds for everything from the normal site updates through to highly specific entries based on search results. Kete also has a built-in OAI-PMH repository that makes all of a site's public records available for metadata harvesting.
Kete sites may pull material in from related services across the internet. Integrate your organization’s other online collections, a library catalogue, another Kete site, or even Twitter into Kete searches and pages.
Features in detail:
- an addendum that describes later features added to the initial Kete 1.0 release
- Kete 1.1 Features and bugfixes
- Kete 1.2 Features
- Kete 1.3 includes a large number of features. These are currently best described by viewing the technical milestone or reading material on tagged Kete 1.3.
See "What is the roadmap for current and future development?" for more upcoming feature plans.
Where can I get the software?
You'll want to read the Downloads page and the Installation Guide. You can also browse the source code at
Who uses Kete?
This site runs on Kete. Check out the map (or list view) of sites that we know that run Kete at
Has Kete won any awards?
What is the roadmap for current and future development?
Kete 1.3 latest stable release
Kete 1.3 is the current stable release. Click here to learn more about Kete 1.3
Future planned releases
Kete 1.4 is under discussion. Possible options are listed at
What would you like to see in Kete 2.0?
The initial technical vision for Kete 2.0 is laid out in the 2.0 milestone, but it evolving and there is an open discussion of Kete 2.0 in this topic.
No financial or coding contributions have been officially pledged to the Kete 1.4, or 2.0 releases yet. Please contact us if you would like to contribute.
What specific enhancements would you like added to Kete?
Share your ideas or help us hash out the details for future enhancements to Kete by editing or commenting on this topic.
What are some of the other resources on this site?
- Guides to how to use or enable Kete features.
- the list of available Vendors for support of Kete
- the Kete Documentation, with discussion for getting answers to your questions and wiki-style collaborative editing
- the Training Handbook for creating Kete content
- the Blog for Kete announcements, news, and other articles
- the Themes basket to find how you can use themes to change the look of your kete, download one from the repository, or add a theme to share with the community
- have an problem with Kete or want to request a feature? Read how to raise your issue in "How to add a ticket"
- or if you are technically inclined you can browse the source online at
- Still have questions? See the Frequently Asked Questions
- you might find someone to chat with in the #kete irc channel on
How can I contribute code?
Got improvements or bugfixes for Kete that you would like to share? See the following topic for how to get your contributions included in Kete.
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There are 3 comments in this discussion.
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It's a relational wiki
Walter McGinnis
said We need a "Kete is..." statement
I was talking talking to my brother-in-law about and he felt that the homepage assumes that you already know what Kete is. A valid point. We could use a brief statement at the top of this topic that briefly summarizes what Kete is and does.
If you have a recommendation, please put it in a comment here. Also, if you like one recommendation better than another, feel free to speak up here as well.