Topic: Kete 1.3 released

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Release announcement for Kete 1.3.

Happy New Year!

Kete 1.3 has been marked as the stable branch (i.e. officially gone from "feature frozen" to "released"). Kete 1.3 represents a huge amount of work beyond Kete 1.2. Many people and organizations have contributed inspiration, code, feedback, and funding to this effort (see Credits below for details). Thank you to the contributors and to everyone that uses Kete.

As usual, to grab the code see the downloads page for info on how or browse the code online at


A feature overview is available here:

Perhaps the biggest set of features are around Multilanguage Support and Translation.

A large amount of Kete sites, such as this one, are already using the Kete 1.3 codebase in production, including the bilingual Chinese Digital Community.

How you can help with this release

We done a lot of documentation already for Kete 1.3, but there are some things we haven't been able to get to. Please have a look at Are You Willing to Help Out section here, for specific things you can contribute to the writing or improvement of.

Asking questions is always a great way to help the project.

You can also spread the word about Kete 1.3!


The Installation Guide at has been updated for Kete 1.3.


If you already have an existing Kete site, check the Upgrade Guide (at the time of this writing, a work in progress).

Reporting Issues:

Our issue tracker for reporting bugs or requesting features is at, but I recommend you take a look at first.

If you would like to discuss your idea for an enhancement with the Kete community, please add it as a related topic to this topic or comment there.


Kete 1.3's major work was funded by Auckland City Libraries and New Zealand Chinese Association Auckland Branch, Te Reo o Taranaki, Katipo, and Manawatu Wanganui LASS. Several smaller bits were funded by Friends of Pukekura Park, Horowhenua Library Trust, Aotearoa Peoples Network Kaharoa, Te Arai Beach Preservation Society, EESI, and others. 

In addition, we had our first public fundraising drive for the Image Selector in the Rich Text Editor. We received donations from many of the above, as well as including Wellington City Libraries, John Billings, CALYX, KnowledgeWare Technologies, and Bill Howard.

Work was done by a number of people, but Kieran Pilkington and myself did most of the coding. Breccan McCleod-Lundy also helped out on the Mongo Translatable and Kete Translatable Content sub-projects.

Kete is a Ruby on Rails application, so huge thanks go to those that have worked on Ruby and Ruby on Rails for providing a great foundation to build an application on top of. Thanks also go to the team at IndexData ( for their work on Zebra which Kete uses as the basis for its search and browsing functionality.

Kete also benefits from numerous plugin and gem developers. Thank you for the great software libraries!

Again we would like to thank New Relic who provided their services to identify areas that needed optimization as we prepared for the Kete 1.3 release.

Enjoy Kete 1.3,
Walter McGinnis
Kete Project Lead


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