All Results in Documentation discussion

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Glad that helped. Rubyforge can be flaky sometimes which maybe the cause of your connection time-outs. So, if I was you, I would do two things: try a "wget"
Hi, We have been installing kete on Cetos 5.1. All had been going OK until we got to the "topic: prepare the kete application" part. Specifically when we run the command
If you have a long server name in your nginx.conf, you might come across an error like this:Starting nginx daemon: nginx2008/03/17 18:05:24 [emerg] 19990#0: could not build the server_names_hash, you
Hi Peter,Great to hear that you are making progress.  I'm looking forward to including your install instructions.Cheers,Walter 
Walter,I ran the rake process with trace. The result is below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [kete@commstest apps]$  rake --trace prep_app(in /home/kete/apps)** invoke prep_app (first_time)** execute prep_app"this may take awhile and have a lot of output.